We wanted to make it easier to keep in touch with friends and family, even those who don’t use the computer. So we approached Future Participle ( with an idea for a collaboration.

The problem: Peggy is inspired by a real-life lady called Peggy. The real Peggy finds it difficult to get out the house these days. She says she really misses “the buzz”, yet all her younger family are in “the buzz” keeping in touch on Facebook and other social networking tools. It seemed crazy that they couldn’t connect so we invented the Peggy service: a way to keep in contact that’s convenient for them and works for Peggy too.

SendwithPeggy enables you to use Peggy to send postcards from Facebook, yep, real postcards. Plus every postcard sent comes with a pre-stamped, pre-addressed reply.

[Results: With over 200 users… and something from the post office presentation…]

Our vision is to turn peggy into the twitter for intergenerational communication. A seemless cross-media (analogue/broadcast/digital) communication platform that becomes the plumbing for other intergenerational services and applications. Where each user, regardless of their age or digital-savviness, can communicate with one another on their own terms.