We’ve been helping new start-up Rose Orange take it’s first steps into the online world.

Rose Orange is a new kind of sex shop. Tired and frustrated with the tacky, un-sensual, and male orientated high street sex stores, founder Roanne Dods wanted to bring something new to the table – a sex shop that started with love and the senses, intimacy and passion.

Roanne needed to put together an e-commerce and marketing platform on a limited budget so we went for a light touch – customising Adobe’s fantastic Business Catalyst e-commerce platform to match her needs.

It was essential to use the characteristics of the web to do a lot with Roanne’s limited resources so we conceived a brave new approach to building her shop.

Rather than guess what her audience might need then toil for months to design and source products and design marketing material in a cash-hungry and time-consuming way. What if we opened up the whole process from the very beginning and asked her already interested community to help co-create what Rose Orange should be.

This open, honest and organic approach was entirely ‘on-brand’ and means Rose Orange can develop at the right pace, on it’s own terms and on the terms of it’s community.

It’s early days but Roanne and her associates Paul, Lotta and Cassie are delighted with the results.